Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Terry McMillan on the Oprah Show

If you are a Straight Wife I hope you were able to watch the Oprah show today. I am grateful that some light was shed for Straight Wives who have unknowingly married Gay men. Having experienced this personally and supporting women professionally as a life coach/therapist, this is a very REAL problem that lacks awareness. It is not an issue of being homophobic. The issues arise from a deep sense of betrayal. It is a betrayal that creates what I call a Soul Wound. It shakes the foundation and core of WHO and HOW you define (ed) yourself. There is limited support for Straight Wives. I hope this brings more awareness and support opportunities for Straight Wives. Thank you Terry McMillan for being so honest and open about being a Straight Wife!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Day of Remembrance

Nine years ago today one of America's worst tragedies took place....9-11. It was a senseless act of horror that caused many lives to perish. May today be a day of REMEMBRANCE and HONOR for all Americans and especially those that lost loved ones. May today also be a day of HONOR for all of our Soldiers..past and present. Wishing healing and peace to all.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hello Dear Friends,

As you can tell, I slowed down a bit to enjoy the summer. I have enjoyed visiting the mountains, splashing my feet in the ocean, visiting friends, visiting family, reading and doing my favorite past time...creating art. I found time to rejoice in the simple pleasures of life. As I tell all of my clients...IT IS THE SIMPLE THINGS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO CREATING A MAGNIFICENT LIFE!!!

What are your simple pleasures?

What simple pleasure can you commit to this week?

Some ideas:

Sit by a body of water (an ocean, lake, river or pond) and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Make cupcakes and share them with friends.

Browse the bookstore and buy yourself a book to read.

Visit your local library and sign up for a free class.

Visit your local farmer's market and shop for ingredients for a new recipe.

Go to the movies...all by yourself!

Dance in the rain.

Love and many blessings,
