Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February Seminar & Workshop

In addition to the individual Straight Spouse Coaching services, I am excited to offer the following groups this February:

February Seminar and Workshop

February Saturday Seminar: LOVE
The Topic for the Saturday Seminar (Telecourse) in February is LOVE. This seminar is all about the most important LOVE relationship you will have in your life....YOURSELF. The Telecourse will focus on ways to practice Self-Love and ways to build your Self-Esteem. If you have been, or you are currently in a Straight/Gay marriage, this may be one of the most important Saturday Seminars to attend. The Telecourse will be a mixture of deep breathing, visualization (for relaxing), lecture, discussion and activities to cultivate Self-Love and Self-Esteem. This Saturday Seminar includes a downloadable workbook.
What: February Saturday Seminar (Telecourse)
When: February 13, 2010 at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Cost: $30.00
Note: You must have access to a phone to call into the Telecourse. You will also need access to a computer for email and be able to print the workbook. Arrangements can be made to mail the workbook if you do not have a printer.

Reclaim the Feminine Spirit
After years of being married to a gay man, my FEMININE SPIRIT was completely broken. Once I divorced, I felt like an "it". The years of being married to a gay man stripped away my FEMININE identity. I felt like a body without a gender. I felt more like a sexless "it" than a woman. I had lost the essence of the woman within. With work and effort, I discovered a "recipe" to reconnect with my femininity. Does your Feminine Spirit feel broken, neglected or damaged? If so, this workshop is for you! I will share my experience, helpful tips and exercises to tap into your Feminine essence. This workshop will last for 4 weeks and it will focus on recapturing your FEMININE SPIRIT! The classes will be held on 4 consecutive Monday evenings at 8:30PM (Eastern Standard Time Zone). The first class will be conducted on February 15 and go through March 8, 2010. You deserve to see your BEAUTY, own your POWER, live your TRUTH and Love the FEMININE within. HONOR her and let her shine again. This class is designed for all Straight Spouses...regardless of where you are in the journey.
What: Reclaim the Feminine Spirit Workshop/Telecourse
When: The class will meet via telephone on February 15, February 22, March 1, & March 8
Time: 8:30-10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Zone
Cost: $150.00
Supplies Needed: Access to a telephone, access to email, a journal, colored pencils or crayons.

Please contact me at to register and payment arrangements.

Love and Blessings,


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